Validation of Tycho NT.6 precision and repeatability

July 2, 2019

TychoTM NT.6 tells you so much about the quality of your protein — presence, purity, concentration, functionality and similarity — in a single experiment. It does this all by examining your protein’s structural integrity or foldedness in a label-free way. The system measures the fluorescence of instrinsic tryptophan and tyrosine residues detected at both 350 nm and 330 nm as a specific defined temperature ramp is applied. Tycho generates thermal unfolding profiles and identifies the inflection temperature (Ti) that represent unfolding transition(s) or discrete changes in a protein’s structural integrity. It records these unfolding profiles so you can study your protein in real-time or use the data as a reference to compare and validate the quality of your sample to any future batches.

In this study we demonstrate the outstanding repeatability and intermediate precision of measurements with Tycho for both raw data and analyzed results. A reference protein, streptavidin at a concentration of 1 mg/mL, was measured on 13 different Tycho systems over a period of two weeks. Each run consisted of all six capillaries filled with 10 μL streptavidin, and for each system, 3 replicate runs were performed. In total, 234 capillaries were analyzed.

Fast-track your hit screening assay development with the Buffer Exploration Kit
Fast-track your hit screening assay development with the Buffer Exploration Kit

Up next
Protein labeling – improved quantitation of biomolecular interactions by MST using the His-Tag labeling kit RED-tris-NTA 2nd generation
Protein labeling – improved quantitation of biomolecular interactions by MST using the His-Tag labeling kit RED-tris-NTA 2nd generation

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