Quantifying the interaction of phosphite with ABC transporters: MicroScale Thermophoresis and a novel his-tag labeling approach

February 14, 2021

Bartoschik, T., Gupta, A., Kern, B., et al.

Biophysics of Membrane Proteins 2021, vol: 2168 doi: 10.1007/978-1-0716-0724-4_2


The combination of MicroScale Thermophoresis (MST) and near-native site-specific His-tag labeling enables simple, robust, and reliable determination of the binding affinity between proteins and ligands. To demonstrate its applicability for periplasmic proteins, we provide a detailed protocol for determination of the binding affinity of phosphite to three ABC transporter periplasmic-binding proteins from environmental microorganisms. ABC transporters are central to many important biomedical phenomena, including resistance of cancers and pathogenic microbes to drugs. The protocol described here can be used to quantify protein-ligand and protein-protein interactions for other soluble, membrane-associated and integral membrane proteins.

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