Improve your protein degrader design with new ways to discover E3 ligase ligands

Targeted protein degradation using molecular glues or proteolysis-targeting chimeras (PROTACs) is an increasingly important therapeutic modality, especially for undruggable targets. Even with candidate molecules entering Phase II clinical trials, some challenges remain, like our incomplete understanding of E3 ligases and their ligand space.

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • How an MST-based competition assay is used to discover novel insights into cereblon E3 ligase (CRBN) ligand space
  • How you can use this approach to discover and characterize other E3 ligases ligands
  • How the results of this study can guide the design of future protein degraders

Join if your research focuses on drug discovery using targeted protein degradation.

Especially, if you’re working with:

  • PROTACs, molecular glues, BiDACs, MonoDACs, etc.
  • Undruggable targets -Induced proximity-based drugs
Because you need to characterize the most challenging interactions
Because you need to characterize the most challenging interactions

Up next
A new spectral shift-based method to characterize molecular interactions
A new spectral shift-based method to characterize molecular interactions

Ready to characterize your most challenging interactions?

Discover tools to measure binding affinity

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