Finally tackle your most challenging affinity screenings with breakthrough Spectral Shift technology with Dianthus

Now with two methods to measure molecular interactions, Dianthus is built to tackle your most challenging affinity screenings with high-quality data, high sensitivity to detect more true binders, and less assay development to give you results from real-life samples. 
Dianthus is a plate-based and microfluidics-free affinity screening platform. Measurements are in solution and mass-independent — ideal for succeeding at demanding screening campaigns.


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NanoTemper Technologies launches Spectral Shift, a breakthrough technology that changes the game for affinity-based screenings
NanoTemper Technologies launches Spectral Shift, a breakthrough technology that changes the game for affinity-based screenings

NanoTemper Technologies, announced today the launch of Spectral Shift technology within their Dianthus inst...

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