Multi-parameter formulation development for an HIV-vaccine protein with direct validation of epitope binding integrity and stoichiometry

November 30, 2020

Popp, C., Schramm, P., Wagner, R., et al.

bioRxiv 2020, doi: 10.1101/2020.11.30.403873

In this publication, 2bind uses their patented FORMO screen to find the optimal buffer for a vaccine antigen used for developing an HIV vaccine. They found that using both thermal stability and DLS size distribution – obtained from Prometheus Panta – helped them identify a more optimal buffer compared to thermal stability profiling alone.

4 key takeaways from this publication:

1. BG505-SOSIP, an HIV antigen, is difficult to work with and required formulation optimization to improve its stability for further vaccine development experiments

2. Prometheus Panta enabled the group to measure multiple aspects of protein stability at once, which helped them identify an optimal formulation buffer that would have been skipped over without additional stability information

3. Accelerated stability studies with Prometheus Panta confirmed enhanced long-term stability at different incubation temperatures for the antigen

4. DLS measurements in Prometheus Panta also enabled them to confirm that changing their buffer formulation did not negatively impact the binding interactions between the antigen and various antibody that target it

To learn more, watch Dr. Thomas Schubert present his work here.

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Topics: Prometheus, nanoDSF, DLS, Biologics, Publications

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