Assess the impact of bioconjugation with multi-parameter stability characterization

March 19, 2024

There are unique concerns about the developability properties of antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs) due to the conjugation process.

Multi-parameter stability assessment with Prometheus Panta makes it possible to examine multiple aspects of ADC stability in parallel. This ensures the final product has the greatest chance at clinical success, while saving time and sample early in development.

Watch this webinar to deep dive into the practical considerations of ADC development and learn about the benefits of the Prometheus Panta instrument for ADC stability characterization. ​​​

You'll learn:

  • What technologies are in the Prometheus Panta for multi-parameter stability characterization of ADCs
  • How high-quality stability data from Prometheus Panta on ADCs and their naked mAbs gives domain-level insight into the impact of conjugation
  • Considerations to avoid compromising the stability of the mAb during the conjugation process

To learn more about tools for stability assessment of ADCs, meet Prometheus Panta.

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