eBooks & Guides

The biologics researcher's guide to DLS

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Page 40 of 63

41 Intensity distribution [%] r H Polydisperse Polydispersity implies multiple particle sizes or types in the sample. If there are multiple species of different sizes the intensity distribution will have multiple peaks. If there is a single species but it is of varying folded quality or oligomeric state this will show up as a broadening of the peaks found in the intensity distribution plot. It is also possible for both phenomena to occur in the same sample. Which PDI values are considered good? A PDI value of ≤ 0.1 is considered a highly monodisperse sample; PDIs up to 0.3 are considered mostly monodisperse; a PDI from 0.3 to 0.7 is somewhat polydisperse; and a PDI > 0.7 is considered highly polydisperse and unsuitable for DLS. The exact thresholds considered acceptable will vary depending on your application. It is always a good idea to look closely at the intensity distribution for high PDI samples to determine if the high PDI is a result of oligomerization, multiple species, or large aggregations.

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