Application Notes

Optimization of membrane proteins for cryo_EM

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1 8 A P P L I C A T I O N N O T E METHODS Protein expression and purification All proteins were recombinantly expressed in E. coli and purified using an optimized protocol described previously (2) . Strep-Tactin®XT Resin was used to purify the membrane protein, which was solubilized in copolymer nanodiscs from the Cube Synthetic Nanodisc Screening Kit MAXI. Prometheus Panta experiments To identify the most effective copolymer for stabilizing and isolating membrane proteins in their active states, a series of miniaturized expression and purification experiments was conducted using 16 copolymers of the NativeMP TM platform on the three protein classes represented by WbaP, PglB and PglC (Table 1). A er each miniaturized purification, 10 µL of sample was directly loaded into Prometheus Standard Capillaries, and the isothermal (25 °C) DLS measurements were conducted using the Prometheus Panta. Subsequently, a thermal ramp (1.5 °C/min, 25-95 °C) was applied to each 10 µL sample, with the nanoDSF, DLS, and turbidity data being collected simultaneously.

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