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How Pierre Fabre enhances their antibody developability platform with Prometheus Panta

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The Challenge As a senior discovery scientist for biologics characterization & developability at Pierre Fabre Laboratories 1 , Dr. Elsa Wagner is tasked with elaborating a developability platform for monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) with applications in immuno-oncology. Creating such a platform, in complement to other in silico, in vitro and in vivo platforms, is a critical need to allow optimization and selection of the right mAb candidates for clinical development. Multiple physico-chemical properties must be assessed to rank mAbs and move them to the next steps of development. To accomplish this, Dr. Wagner wanted to implement methods to profile the stability of mAb candidates with a complete set of parameters such as thermal unfolding, particle sizing, and aggregation. With huge libraries of hits on the starting line, it was critical to obtain data with unmatched precision and reproducibility. To ensure her developability platform would also adapt to multiple projects in the long run, Dr. Wagner's goal was also to implement methods and tools that are versatile and reliable. The Solution Why Prometheus Panta When asked why she chose Prometheus Panta for her research needs, Elsa says: Moreover, the multi-parameter stability characterization also could provide her team with valuable insights for further candidate optimization. Dr. Elsa Wagner Senior Discovery Scientist Laboratoires Pierre Fabre © 2024 NanoTemper Technologies, GmbH, Munich, Germany. All Rights Reserved. How Pierre Fabre enhances their antibody developability platform with Prometheus Panta The instrument's ease-of-use and the support provided by NanoTemper allows us to quickly perform a preliminary triage of our mAbs candidates, and the high data quality improves our self-confidence in the selection of the best candidates for clinical development. 1 Immunology Center, Saint-Julien-en-Genevois, France Prometheus Panta with simultaneous measurements of DLS (Dynamic Light Scattering), nanoDSF (nano Differential Scanning Fluorimetry), and backreflection offered the perfect solution for Dr. Wagner to get information on thermal unfolding, particle sizing and aggregation for her mAbs. Prometheus Panta allowed her to increase the set of physico-chemical parameters within her developability assessment platform, without having to acquire multiple instruments. To future proof her lab, the instrument's robustness and reliability were also key criteria to her decision. Furthermore, the high-resolution data enabled her to resolve two to three transitions for each mAb candidate, corresponding to the unfolding of the different domains of the antibodies. The combination of both thermal and colloidal stability parameters allowed her to precisely rank candidates based on their stability profiles and to efficiently perform a preliminary triage of hits, before confidently moving on to further development steps. Prometheus Panta is a must-have for mAb characterization. It perfectly fits into our developability platform and allows new criteria to be introduced upstream of the candidate selection process. Dr. Elsa Wagner

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