Table of Contents
"The biologics researcher's guide to DLS" is designed to
give scientists in the biologics space an overview of how
Dynamic Light Scattering works, and how it relates to their
field of study. This eBook can be read straight through, or
you can navigate to the stand-alone section that is most
helpful for you. Find out what each section is about below.
The growing interest in biologics
a. What are biologics?
b. Where do biologics come from?
c. How do we improve outcomes
improved from biologics developed
in the lab?
Biologics are already a big industry, and
investment trends show that it will continue
to grow. Learn what biologics are and their
source, as well as the specific work in a
laboratory that a biologics researcher does.
Dynamic light scattering is a method that
relies on the way light interacts with matter.
Specifically, it measures how changes in the
size of biologics products affect this scattering.
Start here for an overview on the scientific
phenomena that allow us to use scattered
light to learn about biological materials.
The science behind DLS
a. Scattering phenomena
b. Wavelength
c. Particle motion
d. Multi-scattering events