Incident light
Wavelength λ
Particle size < λ/10
Not angle dependent
Particle size > λ/10
Angle dependent (increases with increasing particle size)
Both scattering phenomena contribute to the
DLS signal. Note that a detector cannot separate
whether the detected light is a result of Rayleigh
or Mie scattering. When designing an instrument,
the detector angle is o en fixed, which means this
parameter will not change between experiments
or within a single experiment. Because of the Mie
scattering phenomenon, detectors at a "back-
scattering" angle are more sensitive to smaller
particles because there is less interference from
the forward-scattering of large particles.
The second is Mie scattering. In this case, when
particle size starts to grow above 1/10th the
incident light wavelength, the intensity of the
scattered light is greatest in the forward direction,
e.g. as you approach 180
from the incident light.
As particles get larger, the intensity increase for
these angles becomes more dramatic.