Technical Notes

Site-specific covalent labeling of SNAP-tagged proteins for the measurement of binding affinities

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3 TECHNICAL NOTE ©2020 NanoTemper Technologies, Inc. South San Francisco, CA, USA. All Rights Reserved. Tween as assay buffer. Triplicate measurements were performed with Monolith NT.115 in Premium Capillaries (Cat# MO-K025) at medium MST and 40% LED power. The system was operated with the MO.Control so ware v 1.6. Additionally, acquired data sets were analyzed by MO.Affinity Analysis so ware v 2.3 at 2.5 sec MST on- time. Figure 2 shows the MST traces (le panel) as well as the binding curves (right panel) for experiments performed using positive and negative control RNA molecules and labeled RNA-binding protein. A K d of 151 ± 9 nM was obtained for the positive control RNA. As expected, no binding was detected for the negative control RNA. 0 5 10 15 20 MST experiment time [s] 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.00 Relative Fluorescence [-] 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 10 3 10 4 10 5 Ligand Concentration [nM] 0 5 10 15 Δ FNorm [‰] pos. control RNA neg. control RNA Conclusions NanoTemper Technologies SNAP-Tag® Labeling Kit RED 2nd Generation provides a site-specific covalent labeling of puri- fied proteins for MST and TRIC experiments. This labeling strategy guarantees a highly specific and controlled conjugation of fluorophores to any SNAP-tagged protein since SNAP-Tag® substrates are inert to any other protein structure. Figure 2: MST traces (le panel) and dose-response curves (right panel) for RNA (negative control in dark blue, positive control in light blue) titrated against labeled RNA-binding protein at medium MST power. An MST on-time of 2.5 sec was used for analysis, and a K d value of 151 ± 9 nM was obtained (n = 3 independent measure- ments, error bars represent the standard deviation).

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