eBooks & Guides

The scientist's guide to writing successful grant applications

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24 What if your grant isn't funded? Read the reviews, consider your options, and talk with the program officer Nobody likes criticism or rejection, but it's part of life and it happens to everyone. Negative grant proposal reviews aren't personal. They can help redirect or refocus your work. Read the summary statement and reviews carefully. Take a break and do something else, then re-read the reviews. You might want to also ask colleagues and mentors to read the reviews. Are there common themes in the critiques? Are your aims too broad or too focused? Are the project goals unattainable? Did you propose using the best and most relevant methodologies? Is the budget realistic? Was the writing itself the problem? Can you address the critiques satisfactorily? Did you submit to the best study section? Discuss your options with the program officer, collaborators, mentors, and colleagues. With their help, decide whether you want to resubmit with changes, submit a new application, or revise and submit your application to a different grant agency or private foundation. How can timing influence your decision to resubmit? Take note of the deadline for resubmission — there are o en time limits, beyond which you will have to submit a new application. Can you prepare a competitive resubmission within this time frame? Are there additional time constraints that need to be considered when deciding whether to resubmit your application? Is the research still relevant? Can you resubmit for the next deadline? This would increase the chance that the same reviewers will read your application, which can be favorable. Ideally, you continued your research during the review period and have supportive new data that can be included in your resubmission. Resubmitting: address criticisms and issues, then write a strong introduction It's important to take the reviews seriously and address them adequately. It can sometimes be enough to make small revisions and clarifications. Sometimes you will have to take a big step back and change your ideas or your

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