Application Notes

Optimization of membrane proteins for cryo_EM

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1 1 A P P L I C A T I O N N O T E 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Relative probability 1 10 100 1000 Radius [nm] SMA25(SMA300) SMA30(SMA200) SMALPBZ35 SMALPBZ40 AASTY6-45 AASTY11-45 AASTY6-50 AASTY6-55 AASTY11-50(2) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Relative probability 1 10 100 1000 Radius [nm] SMA40(SMA140) DIBMA10 Sulfo-DIBMA Sulfo-SMA SMALPBZ25 SMALPBZ30 AASTY11-50(1) Figure 1: Overlayed DLS size distribution plots and cumulant radius (dash lines) for WbaP solubilized with 16 different copolymers. Figure 2: SDS-PAGE gel of WbaP solubilized in each polymer. Each lane was loaded with 8 µL of eluate from strep resin. Lane 2 (SMA30), Lane 10 (SMALP BZ40), and Lane 15 (AASTY 6-55) are highlighted with arrows. SMA30 6.84 nm SMALP BZ40 8.1 nm AASTY 6-55 10.96 nm A B

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