Application Notes

Optimization of membrane proteins for cryo_EM

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8 A P P L I C A T I O N N O T E PROTEIN 2: PGLB BACKGROUND PglB from Neisseria Gonorrhoeae contains a membrane-embedded phosphoglycosyl transferase domain fused to a soluble acetyltransferase (AT) domain and is involved in the production of extracellular polysaccharides. This bifunctional enzyme acetylates a UDP- sugar substrate, and then transfers the resulting acetylated phosphosugar onto Und-P. Structural studies on related ATs support that this domain mediates trimerization of the dual-function membrane protein. While there are structures of homologs for both subdomains, the structure of the full-length protein is of considerable interest for understanding the coordination of two sequential steps. PROTEIN 3: PGLC BACKGROUND PglC from Helicobacter Pullorum is a small membrane protein with an unusual topology, as it contains a single re-entrant membrane helix that enters and exits the bilayer on the same face. Like the above proteins, Hp PglC functions in the early stages of glycoconjugate biosynthesis, transferring the phosphosugar moeity from UDP-diNAcBac onto Und-P. While the small size of this protein (~20 kDa) precludes cryo-EM structure determination on its own, addition of mass fiduciaries in the form of fAbs, legobodies, or pro-macrobodies may represent a path to visualize the structure of this small protein in a native-like bilayer. DIBMA Class of copolymers included in the Cube Synthetic Nanodisc screening Kit MAXI ULTRASOLUTE TM AMPHIPOL

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