eBooks & Guides

The biologics researcher's guide to DLS

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Contents of this Issue


Page 60 of 63

61 In Section 2 we learned how light scattering works, and that DLS measures the deflection of light at a specific angle and assesses how this changes over time. We saw how DLS uses this information to determine the diffusion coefficient D, and learned that from this we get particle radius and the distribution of particle sizes in solution. In Section 3 we saw what DLS does with the raw data – it uses an autocorrelation function and fits the light scattering data to build the intensity distribution of the sample. In Section 4 we showed what the rH, intensity distribution, and PDI tell you about your sample. These parameters are intrinsically linked to your candidate's stability, quality, composition, and how reproducibly you prepare your sample. In Section 5 we looked at methods that give you similar or complementary information about your biologic. We discussed their benefits and limitations to help you decide what is best for you and your work. In Section 6 we presented some practical considerations and caveats when planning DLS experiments and preparing samples. There are different expectations for DLS depending on where you are in the biologics workflow, and these influence how you prepare your sample. This is crucial because DLS assesses all particles in solution. Incorporating DLS into any workflow is a benefit to biologics researchers, whether they are in the early stages of isolating a protein of interest, or working in formulating therapeutics for the clinic.

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