eBooks & Guides

The biologics researcher's guide to DLS

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27 If the data is of good quality and the ACF can be fit, the result is an intensity distribution of particles detected in the sample. The ACF fit parameters are adjusted depending on whether you are interested in the size distribution analysis, which is how many discrete particle sizes are present within the sample, and at what proportions; or in the cumulants analysis, which will give the average particle size present in the whole sample. Size Distribution Cumulant Radius For a polydisperse system, it lands between the two size populations. This fit model does not assume a certain distribution of particle sizes Also known as non-monomodal or multi-modal distribution For a monodisperse system, the cumulant radius is centred within the intensity distribution curve. This fit model assumes only a single population of particles, with a Gaussian distribution of sizes around the mean Also known as monomodal distribution

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