eBooks & Guides

The biologics researcher's guide to DLS

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Page 58 of 63

59 Buffer formulation change When it's used pH • Will change electrostatic properties of the molecule • Potential change to r H because of changes in solvent shell • Affects solubility (generally want to be >1 pH away from pI) and therefore affect aggregation/PDI Salt concentration • Increase solubility by increasing the ionic strength of solution • Too high can induce self-association ("salting-out") Additives • Certain ions or small molecules are stabilizing (e.g. Mg 2+ for nucleic-acid binding proteins, EDTA to prevent degradation) • Adjuvants might be necessary to improve response in patients, and must be considered as part of the formulation process • Sugars (sucrose) can enhance stability with protective "shell" Detergents • Proteins with hydrophobic regions will have increased solubility and decreased aggregation Glycerol • Used for long-term storage to decreases freezing damage from water molecules in solution How might my buffers affect stability?

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