eBooks & Guides

The biologics researcher's guide to DLS

Issue link: https://resources.nanotempertech.com/i/1393304

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5 a. Structural biology b. Multi-angle light scattering c. Analytical ultracentrifugation While DLS is a valuable tool, it's o en crucial to consider alternatives, whether to have an orthogonal method for measurements or for cost or practicality reasons. Compare DLS to other methods that can be used to obtain sizing information about your biologics candidates. 5 Alternative Models Once you've determined that DLS is the method for you, it's time to set up a measurement. As with all experiments in a lab, it's important to think about how to best design an experiment, and how to treat your samples before loading them up for analysis. Review this section to learn some important considerations and caveats that come with DLS measurements. 6 Practical considerations a. Limitations b. Experimental purpose b. Sample prep c. Absolute vs relative size d. How formulation can affect measurements 8 Resources 7 Key Takeaways Table of Contents

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