eBooks & Guides

The biologics researcher's guide to DLS

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Page 20 of 63

21 To begin with, we have to look at the mathematical relationship between particle diffusion and its size. The key relationship needed to do this is the Stokes-Einstein equation: D = k B T/6πɳr H D = diffusion coefficient k B = Boltzmann constant 1.380649 × 10 -23 -2 m 2 kg s -2 K -1 T = temp (Kelvin) ɳ = dynamic viscosity r H = hydrodynamic radius of particle The information researchers are interested in is the radius of the particle r H . For any system of particles in a solution, generally both D and r H are unknown. However, D can be calculated with the use of the scattered light, which allows this equation to be solved. This is done using the autocorrelation function, which relates the changes in scattered intensity over time with diffusion coefficient D.

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