eBooks & Guides

The scientist's guide to writing successful grant applications

Issue link: https://resources.nanotempertech.com/i/1050653

Contents of this Issue


Page 18 of 30

16 1. Title Don't underestimate the importance of the title — it can influence who is selected to review your proposal. A good title is descriptive, specific, and reflects the importance of the proposal while at the same time stimulating inter- est. O en times, it's the reviewer's first impression so you'll want to start off on the right foot. 2. Abstract or summary The abstract is a concise, accurate, and logical summary of all major aspects of your proposal including your hypotheses, specific aims, approach, significance, innovation, and timeline. Give some background to put the project in context. What is the problem you are addressing and what has been done before? Include the applica- tion's broad, long-term objectives and specific aims. State the proposal's relevance to the mission of the grant agency. Connect the proposal to the Program Announcement (PA) or Request for Application (RFA). Communicate relevance and significance using simple language that can be understood by a general audience. Keep in mind that it will be read by experts who know your field and also by those who don't. Use this section to present why your proposal is important, relevant, significant, and why it needs to be supported. What is your experimental plan? Include how you will do the work. Tips for writing a good abstract • Write the abstract last so it reflects the entire proposal • State hypotheses, but don't assume that they're true • Include unique features of the project • Avoid jargon • Be concise • Failure to include all essential pieces of information (e.g. research data and method) can raise doubts about the research plan (e.g. that it's incomplete) • Avoid descriptions of past accomplishments • Do not write in the first person

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