eBooks & Guides

The scientist's guide to writing successful grant applications

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1 If you are a junior researcher or graduate student and haven't written a grant application before, you may be wondering why people apply for grants and where they come from. What grants are used for and why apply for one Grant money is used to pay for salaries and stipends, costs of generating and analyzing data including equipment, consumables and services, and publication fees. It can also be used for expenses associated with presenting at conferences — essentially, all the expenses of doing research. While some large operating grants cover everything from salaries and indirect costs to research expenses and some equipment, other types of grants are given specifically for salaries, stipends, travel, or equipment. Some are given to individuals and others to groups. There are grants for students and trainees, for junior faculty, and for more seasoned researchers. Types of Grants Research Career development, training, or fellowship Resource or equipment Small business Travel In addition to paying for research, successfully obtaining grant funding is evidence of effective communication skills, collaboration, budgeting, diligence, time management, etc. These are considered necessary skills and qualities for research careers in academia or industry, and also for other types of positions (e.g. project management, medical Part 1: The basics

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