eBooks & Guides

The scientist's guide to writing successful grant applications

Issue link: https://resources.nanotempertech.com/i/1050653

Contents of this Issue


Page 23 of 30

21 Including preliminary data Read the instructions to see if you are permitted to include preliminary data. Figures can take up a lot of space so you may want to think about only including figures that make a particular point, or perhaps consider not including them. It's also good to include only promising data and to leave inconclusive data out. Be sure to discuss any data presented in the text and the reason for its inclusion. It's a good idea to read the grant application carefully and follow the guidelines. You can refer back to this section regularly as you write your application if you need guidance. It sounds simple, but double check your work to make sure you are answering the questions being asked in each section. Keep in mind to refer to published work enough to make your case, but not too much. Lastly, be sure to include preliminary data if it supports your proposal and describe it clearly. Quick style tips • Place text and related data close together so it's easy to glance back and forth between the two • Embed figures or tables into the text and wrap text around them to save space

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